Sunday, August 8, 2010

Creating a Life Dreamline

I had a realization earlier this week that my sense of adventure had gone to sleep, I had become an “armchair dreamer” and I was living life in the safe lane again. This actually really distressed me as I thought I had really taken big steps forward in being powerful in life and no longer letting fear dictate what I do and don’t do. And when I reflect on what I have accomplished in the past 2 or 3 years, I can see that I really HAVE taken some pretty big steps forward. I recently completed a Masters Degree in a program I have been wanting to take for almost 15 years, I have created an amazing and wonderful relationship with the man of my dreams (and that was NOT going that way), we bought our dream home over a year ago, and I’ve taken trips to New York, the Bahamas, and Mexico. I’m also currently working on getting my motorcycle license, buying a motorbike and planning a road trip (on our bikes) throughout BC in September.

But, (there’s that word again!), it kind of occurs like those accomplishments are just business as usual for me, and I know there are things that are important to me that I have NOT done. A few days ago I had a conversation with my friend Rita about my sleepy sense of adventure and she asked if I had a written list of what I wanted out of life. You know, a bucket list. I remember starting one a couple of years ago, but after diligently writing out a short list, it got shelved and forgotten about. That’s not to say I haven’t been thinking about those things that I want out of life, I had, but I just hadn’t written them down. Funny thing is, I always think I will remember what it is I want so I don’t need to write it down (just like I thought I would remember all those sweet moments I had with my children!). Yet, when it comes time to putting pen to paper, I am hard-pressed to recall my dreams.

Rita, being someone who is a dream supporter (and someone who is always working on her own list), requested that I immediately begin writing out a list. Her instructions were just write everything down on a piece of paper, and then later, get a journal just for the list. So I did, I started writing out the list. And, true to form, I couldn’t remember all those things I knew I had said I wanted to do in my life. However, knowing I had shared some of it with Rita, I asked her to remind me of those things. (PS. this is another reason for writing your own list ongoingly. One shouldn’t rely on others to remember your own dreams!) The goal is to hit 100 items, and then while you are crossing things off, keep adding to the bottom.

So now I have my journal, and I am calling this my “Life Dreamline.” I found the original list I started a while back and transferred those dreams into the new book. I’m up to 40 items, and without realizing, I had already accomplished 4 of those things and can cross them off. I climbed the Empire State Building and attended a play on Broadway in October 2008. I got my MA in Leadership earlier this year. I started a blog. And there are 36 more items (and counting) to take on.

This is actually really fun and I’m excited to keep adding to my list. The journal travels everywhere with me, ready to be added to at a moment’s notice. Just this morning I wrote down “See the Northern Lights in Alaska.” And now that I’ve been bitten by the dreamline bug, I’d love to know, what is on your dreamline? Go ahead, write it down. Write it down and then make it happen.

PS. If you want to read about some of Rita’s list, have a look at her blog here:


  1. Kimberley - a 'dreamline' is so much more inspiring than a bucket list. I've kep a list for a long time, but never had such a snazzy name for it! And, being someone who sometimes forgets to dream, this reframing will be super handy! Thank you!

  2. I LOVE this! Love this! LOVE this!! And..uhm..I'm pretty sure I didn't "request" you write it..I think I kinda told you to. ;-) HOORAY FOR YOU! Can't wait to hear what else is on the list! Yay you!

  3. Rita - yes, I think I initially heard you as "bossy" (LOL) but reframing it to a request is so much more powerful!

    #31 - take a ride in a hot air balloon
    #35 - visit Bethlehem at Christmas
    38. Sell some of my art (gulp!)

  4. I have also taken out that Aladdin Book Rita was talking about so am going to be writing my list out too!! FUN
